Saturday, 4 July 2009

Lambeth into Memphis via Apollo

Having fumigated the trombone and sharpened the quill I've been spending time with an amazing bunch of musos, the Lambeth Wind Orchestra. In my boho-military days, characters from which have been turning up recently in happy numbers, we used to relish playing anything that was thrown at us. The Lambeth guys have no brass hats to answer to but a benign maverick of an MD,John Holland,and the likes of his fellow multi-instrumentalist Roger Cawkwell who switches from wagner tuba to post-Miles Soprano Sax in the space of a swift half. As well as the traditional places you'd find bandly stuff, the LWO fetched up at a guerilla club in an abandoned video store the other week supporting the Crumbling Ghosts, HM meets folk and Percy Grainger, and a real morris dancer in the crowd. Great use of the space and nice vibe spilling onto the pavement...

...And so to Memphis and Director Kendra-Boaz-Zentero's first feature. This fab survivor of an artist has just starting a project 8 years in themaking and asked me to set about some underscore, which was brilliantly read through by the Lambeth posse last week with Roger's driving improv atop the 30 other voices. Copying parts in pools of heat wave sweat is particularly worth it with KBZ and LWO around on the case. More on the movie down the line.

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